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CCC Certification and marking

Kollektion #24

CCC certification (China Compulsory Certification) is a legal requirement for all products to be sold in China. The CCC mark confirms that a product meets Chinese standards and is therefore safe for Chinese consumers. Without a valid CCC certification, products may not be sold in China, which can be a major obstacle for many companies to succeed in the Chinese market.

However, regulating CCC certification is often complex and time-consuming, especially for companies entering the Chinese market for the first time. Regluai software can help simplify and speed up the process by helping companies identify applicable CCC standards and conduct risk assessments. Regluai also helps manage CCC certification documentation to ensure compliance and avoid unnecessary delays or problems in getting to market.

Your products are already CCC certified? You can mark any product with us, link it to the legal documents and receive a notification as soon as a change is made in any of these documents.

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China Compulsory Certification (CCC) is a legal certification system in China that classifies products into different categories and sets specific certification requirements for each category. CCC certifications are mandatory for certain products to be sold or imported in China and are conducted by the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) or other accredited inspection bodies. The CCC mark is a label placed on certified products to indicate their compliance with Chinese safety and quality standards. CCC certification is often a prerequisite for access to the Chinese market. However, the process of CCC certification is complex and time-consuming, as it involves several steps, including identifying the appropriate product category, submitting documents, and conducting tests and inspections.

Which products are affected by the CCC labeling requirement?

CCC certification is a procedure that is mandatory for certain products in order to sell them on the Chinese market. In general, the certification requirement applies to products that are classified as safety-relevant or environmentally hazardous. A full list of affected products can be found on the website of the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA). Obvious products subject to CCC certification include electrical and electronic equipment, toys, automobiles, medical devices and construction products. It is important to note that there are specific requirements for each product and not all products need to be certified.

CCC marking: cost, duration and validity

  • What does CCC certification cost?
    The cost of CCC certification depends on various factors, such as the type of product, the scope of testing, and the testing institute. There are no uniform fees, but each certification body has its own fee structures. The costs can therefore vary greatly and must be requested individually.
  • How long does it take to obtain certification?
    The duration of certification also depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the product and the availability of test equipment and facilities. Typically, certification takes several months and can take up to a year or more.
  • How long is the CCC marking valid?
    The validity of the CCC marking depends on the type of product. Some products need to be re-certified every three years, while other products need to be certified every five years or even just once. It is important to check the specific requirements for each product to ensure that the CCC marking remains valid.

CCC certification is an extensive process that requires careful planning and implementation. Here, all the necessary documents must be obtained and checked to ensure that the products comply with the legal requirements. The software offers enormous relief here by providing all the necessary documents in the CCC Collection and processing them with artificial intelligence to quickly and easily identify which requirements must be observed during the product launch. makes the certification process faster and more efficient, so that products can be launched on the Chinese market more quickly.

What is the certification process for CCC certifications and what steps are required to obtain successful certification?

The certification process for CCC certification consists of several steps and is usually very extensive and time-consuming. First, the manufacturer must perform a product evaluation and conduct a compliance test of his product with the applicable CCC requirements. Then, he must have an approval test conducted by a Chinese accredited testing laboratory. This is followed by a factory inspection by an accredited Chinese inspection body. Only when all these steps have been successfully completed will a CCC certification be issued. It is also possible that additional testing and evaluation may need to be performed during the process. Therefore, it is advisable to make a sound and thorough preparation from the very beginning.

Are there marking and labeling requirements from CCC on product and packaging?

Yes, there are specific requirements for the marking and labeling of products subject to the CCC. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the use of the CCC logo on the product and packaging and the inclusion of information such as the name and address of the manufacturer or importer and the CCC certification number. The labeling must be in Chinese and, if necessary, in another language approved in China. The color and size of the CCC logo are also required. It is important to meet these requirements to ensure that the product is allowed to be marketed in China and complies with regulatory requirements.

Information obligations of the manufacturer

Manufacturers must fulfill various information requirements in order to obtain CCC certification and sell their products on the Chinese market. These include providing technical documentation and certification applications that contain detailed information about the product and its conformity with the applicable standards. The manufacturer must also provide a product description in Chinese that includes all relevant information about the product's functions, uses, precautions and potential risks. In addition, products must be marked with a CCC mark confirming conformity with Chinese safety standards. The mark must be affixed to the product and/or packaging and must meet certain size, color and positioning requirements.

What documentation is required for CCC certification?

The following documents are required for CCC certification:

  1. Product description and technical specifications
  2. Test reports carried out by an accredited test laboratory
  3. A copy of the certificate of incorporation of the manufacturer
  4. A copy of the manufacturer's production certificate
  5. A copy of the commercial register of the manufacturer
  6. A declaration by the manufacturer of compliance with the relevant Chinese standards
  7. A manufacturer's declaration of compliance with safety requirements and protection of the environment
  8. A manufacturer's statement of compliance with quality control processes and recall assurance.

Depending on the product category, additional documentation may be required. It is important that all required documentation is complete and correct to ensure smooth certification.

What happens if a product does not meet the requirements of CCC certification?

If a product does not meet the requirements of CCC certification, it will not be approved for sale in China. The manufacturer can then either modify the product to meet the requirements and reapply for certification or withdraw the product from the Chinese market. If the product is sold in China without a valid CCC mark, this can result in heavy fines, claims for damages and even the withdrawal of the manufacturer's business license. It is therefore important that manufacturers ensure that their products meet all CCC certification requirements before offering them on the Chinese market.

Are there any exceptions to the CCC certification requirement?

Yes, there are some exemptions from the CCC certification requirement. For example, some products that are only for export and are not to be sold in the Chinese market are exempt from CCC certification. Similarly, products that are only produced for consumers in small quantities and do not pose a high risk may be exempt from the CCC certification requirement. There are also some industries and products that are covered by other certification systems, such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CB (Certification Body) process for electrical products. In these cases, products may be exempt from the CCC certification requirement if they meet the requirements of other certification schemes.

Do CCC rules apply when products are placed on the market or imported?

The CCC certification requirement applies both to products manufactured in China and intended to be sold in the Chinese market, and to imported products intended to be sold in China. This means that all products to be sold in China, regardless of whether they are manufactured in China or imported, may be subject to CCC certification.

What are the consequences of not following the CCC regulations?

Failure to comply with the CCC regulations may result in various consequences for the manufacturer or importer of the affected product. First, there may be a recall of the products, which may result in significant costs for the manufacturer. Furthermore, there may be legal consequences, for example in the form of fines or claims for damages by affected persons or companies. Seizure or destruction of the products by the relevant authorities may also occur in serious cases. In addition, a violation of CCC regulations can also lead to a loss of image for the manufacturer, which can have a long-term impact on business relationships.

How often do CCC certified products need to be tested to ensure they are still in compliance?

For CCC-certified products, there are no specific requirements for periodic re-testing. However, the manufacturer is obliged to ensure that the product continues to comply with the requirements, especially if changes have been made or if new standards or regulations have been issued. The manufacturer must also be able to respond to inquiries from the Chinese authorities and, if necessary, provide evidence of compliance with the requirements.

What is the difference between voluntary CCC certification and mandatory CCC certification?

Mandatory CCC certification is a mandatory certification required by certain products to be sold in the Chinese market. These products are published in a list by the Chinese government and must bear the CCC mark. Voluntary CCC certification, on the other hand, is a way for products that do not fall under mandatory CCC certification to demonstrate their compliance with Chinese standards and obtain the CCC mark. This certification may also be required for products that are not on the mandatory list but are to be sold in the Chinese market to increase consumer confidence in the quality and safety of the product.

Are there any special labeling requirements for products that are CCC certified?

Yes, there are specific labeling requirements for products that are CCC certified. Products must have the CCC mark on the product or on the packaging to show that they have passed CCC certification and meet safety standards. The CCC mark consists of a black "C" in a circle surrounded by a larger red circle. The mark must also include the certification number and the name of the certifying company. In addition, the product information, including the product name, model number and technical specifications, must be in Chinese. The marking must be clearly visible and durable to ensure that it remains legible throughout the life of the product.

What are the main differences between CCC certification and other certification processes such as CE or UL?

CCC certification is a Chinese certification required for products to be sold in China. In contrast, CE marking is a European marking that ensures the product meets European safety standards. UL is an American certification that is recognized in other countries and confirms that the product meets U.S. safety standards. Another difference is that CCC certification usually requires a physical inspection of the product by Chinese inspectors, while CE and UL usually do not. In addition, the cost and time required for CCC certification is usually higher than for CE or UL.

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