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EAC marking and certificate of the Eurasian Economic Union EAEU

Kollektion #26

The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is a major economic area consisting of five countries with a total population of nearly 180 million people. Companies that operate in these countries or wish to export their products to these countries must comply with a variety of regulations and rules. One of these regulations is the EAC marking and certificate that is required for many products. To simplify the process of complying with these regulations, has developed artificial intelligence and machine learning software that accesses an extensive database of legal texts and regulations. With the help of, companies can quickly and easily find out what requirements and regulations apply to their products and what steps they need to take to obtain EAC marking and certification.

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  • Eurasia

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The EAC marking and certificate are of great importance to many companies operating in or wishing to export to the Eurasian Economic Union. The EEU strives to ensure the safety and health protection of consumers while facilitating free trade among its member states. For this reason, strict technical regulations and requirements have been established for a wide range of products. These requirements include electrical and electronic products, machinery, toys, food, cosmetic products, and many others. Companies must ensure that their products meet EAC standards before they can place them on the market or export them to EAWU countries. Compliance can be a challenge for companies, especially if they operate in multiple countries or manufacture a large number of products.

Which products are affected by the EAC labeling requirement?

The EAC certificate requirement applies to a wide range of products, including electrical and electronic equipment, machinery, toys, food, chemical products, cosmetic products, medical devices and many others. However, it is not mandatory for all products to obtain an EAC certificate. EAC regulations specify which products are affected by the certification requirement and which products can be accompanied by a declaration of conformity. A declaration of conformity certifies that a product complies with EAC standards without the need for certification. In general, the certification requirement applies to products where the risk to consumers is high or where there may be serious consequences if they do not comply with EAC standards. Some examples of products subject to the EAC certificate requirement are household electrical appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, medical equipment such as ventilators and ultrasound equipment, and vehicles and construction equipment.

EAC marking: cost, duration and validity

  • How much does EAC certification cost?
    The cost of EAC certification can vary depending on the type of product, complexity and number of certificates required for a product. Prices can also vary depending on the certification body. Therefore, it is difficult to give an exact indication of the cost. However, as a rule, the cost of EAC certification can be very high. Therefore, we recommend asking an appropriate certification body for the exact cost before starting the certification process.
  • How long does it take to get certified?
    The duration of certification depends on several factors, such as the type of product, the number of certificates needed, and the certification body that performs the process. Typically, certification can take several months. For products that already have declarations of conformity, the process may be shorter. In any case, it is advisable to start certification early to avoid delays in the sales process.
  • How long is the EAC marking valid?
    The validity of the EAC marking depends on the product type and is specified in the technical regulations. As a rule, the validity is limited to one to three years. After this period, the product must be re-certified to extend the validity of the EAC marking. It is therefore important to adhere to the validity period and have the product recertified in good time in order to be able to continue selling the product in the EAWU countries.

EAC certification is an extensive process that requires careful planning and implementation. Here, all the necessary documents must be obtained and checked to ensure that the products comply with the legal requirements. The software offers enormous relief here by providing all the necessary documents in the EAC Collection and processing them with artificial intelligence to quickly and easily identify which requirements must be observed during the product launch. makes the certification process faster and more efficient, so that products can be launched on the Eurasian market more quickly.

What is the certification process for EAC certifications and what steps are required to obtain successful certification?

The certification process for EAC certifications is usually very extensive and requires thorough preparation. Here are the general steps necessary to obtain a successful certification:

  1. Product testing: First, the product must undergo testing to ensure that it meets the EAC requirements. This can be done by internal testing or by an independent testing laboratory.
  2. Documentation Review: Documentation for the product must be reviewed to ensure that all required documents are present and that they meet EAC requirements.
  3. Certification application: An application for certification must be submitted to a recognized certification body. The application should include all required documents and provide detailed information about the product and its intended use.
  4. Product testing by certification body: The certification body tests the product and the associated documents. If everything meets the requirements, a certificate of conformity is issued.
  5. Marking of the product: After successful certification, the product receives the EAC mark, which must be applied to the product.

The certification process may vary depending on product type and complexity. In addition, the process may take longer if additional testing is required. Therefore, it is advisable to start preparing for certification early and to hire a recognized certification body to ensure a smooth certification process.

Are there marking and labeling requirements of EAC to product and packaging

Yes, there are marking and labeling requirements that must be met as part of EAC certification. The EAC labeling must be placed on the product itself, the packaging and in the technical documentation. The labeling is to ensure that the product meets the necessary requirements and that the manufacturer is responsible for the product.

The EAC marking must generally be clearly legible and permanently affixed to the product or packaging. There are also specific requirements for the size, color and placement of the marking. The marking must be applied correctly, as it indicates that the product complies with the legal requirements and thus may be distributed in the EAWU member countries.

In addition to EAC labeling, there are also specific labeling requirements, depending on the product type. For example, textiles must be labeled with specific care instructions, while electrical equipment must have a label indicating the product's technical specifications and safety features. Manufacturers must comply with all specific EAC certification requirements to ensure that their products meet legal requirements and can be legally distributed in EAWU member countries.

Information obligations of the manufacturer

As part of the EAC certification, there are various information requirements that the manufacturer must fulfill to ensure that his product meets the legal requirements and can be legally distributed in the EAWU member countries.

First, manufacturers must prepare technical documentation containing detailed information about the product and its conformity with the EAC requirements. This documentation should include a description of the product, a list of materials and components used, and test and inspection reports demonstrating the product's conformity with the relevant technical standards and requirements. In addition, manufacturers must provide operating instructions, warnings, and labeling requirements in the official languages of the EAWU member countries where the product will be sold.

Finally, manufacturers must ensure that they have obtained all necessary certifications and approvals for the product before placing it on the market. If the product meets the EAC requirements, the manufacturer can obtain the EAC certificate and affix the EAC marking to ensure that it can be sold in EAWU member countries.

What documents are required for EAC certification?

The following documents are usually required for EAC certification:

  • Manufacturer's request
  • Technical documentation
  • Product description
  • Description of the manufacturing equipment
  • Test reports
  • Declaration of Conformity
  • Operating instructions and warnings in the official languages of the EAWU member countries
  • Labeling requirements
  • Certificates and approvals for components or precursors
  • Samples of the product, if necessary

It is important that all documentation is complete and accurate to ensure successful EAC certification. The technical documentation and test reports should demonstrate the conformity of the product with the relevant technical standards and requirements. The operating instructions and warnings should be written in clear and understandable language and the labeling requirements should comply with the legal requirements.

What happens if a product does not meet the EAC certification requirements?

If a product does not meet the requirements of EAC certification, it may not be placed on the market or used. The authorities may withdraw the product from circulation and there may be significant consequences for the manufacturer, such as fines, penalties or even legal action. All products sold or used in EAWU member countries must meet the requirements of EAC certification and all required documents and records must be complete.

Are there any exceptions to the EAC certification requirement?

Yes, there are some exemptions from the EAC certification requirement. For example, some products are exempt from EAC certification if they are intended exclusively for export and are not intended for sale in the domestic market. Also, certain products covered by the EAC certification requirement may be exempt from the certification requirement if they are intended solely for internal use within a company and are not intended for sale. These exemptions may vary from product to product and from country to country.

Do EAC rules apply when products are placed on the market or imported?

The EAC certification requirement applies to both the placing on the market and the import of products in the EAWU Member States. When a product is placed on the market of the EAWU member states or imported, it must meet the requirements of EAC certification and be marked with the corresponding EAC mark.

What are the consequences of not following the EAC regulations?

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a variety of consequences, depending on the nature and severity of the violations. Here are some of the possible consequences:

  • Customs problems: Failure to properly comply with import duties or customs procedures may result in customs problems, including refusal to release goods by customs authorities or payment of fines or penalties.
  • Business losses: When goods are seized or rejected due to violations of technical regulations or health and safety rules, companies can suffer significant business losses.
  • Litigation: Companies and individuals that violate EAC regulations may be subject to legal disputes that can result in high legal costs and claims for damages.
  • Loss of reputation: A breach of EAC regulations can also result in a loss of reputation with business partners and customers, which can have a long-term impact on the business.

The consequences for non-compliance with EAC regulations may vary depending on the scope and nature of the violation. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully review all relevant regulations and standards in advance and take all necessary steps to ensure that they are properly followed.

How often do EAC certified products need to be tested to ensure they are still compliant?

There is no set frequency for testing EAC-certified products to ensure that they remain compliant. The responsibility for compliance lies with the manufacturer or supplier who places the product on the market of the EAWU member states or imports it. However, it is recommended that periodic testing be performed to ensure that the product continues to meet the requirements and that compliance is maintained. In some cases, authorities may take samples of products and perform tests to verify conformity.

What are the advantages of EAC certification compared to other conformity assessment procedures?

EAC certification offers several advantages over other conformity assessment procedures, especially with regard to trade with member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. Here are some of the most important advantages:

  1. Uniform market access: EAC certification ensures that a product can be traded in all member states of the Eurasian Economic Union without having to meet additional requirements. EAC certification is valid in EAEU member states, including Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. A single certification provides access to a market with a population of more than 180 million people.
  2. Recognition of international standards: EAC certification takes into account internationally recognized norms and standards, which increases the acceptance of products in global markets. In some cases, EU certifications can be used as proof of compliance with EAWU technical regulations, saving time and costs.
  3. Increased safety and quality: EAC certification ensures that products meet safety, quality and environmental requirements, which increases consumer confidence in the products.
  4. Lower costs: EAC certification allows companies to reduce the cost of conformity assessment procedures by using a single procedure for access to all member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.
  5. Simplified procedures: EAC certification provides simplified procedures for the certification of products, especially for serial products. There are also procedures for certification of production sites and conformity assessment of products not manufactured in the EAWU.
  6. Access to government tenders: EAC certification is often a prerequisite for participation in government tenders in the member states of the EAEU.

EAC certification offers a number of benefits for companies operating in or seeking to enter EAWU markets. EAC certification only applies to products to be sold in EAWU member states and that there may be additional requirements and certifications needed for other markets.

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